What’s your recipe for the perfect day?
Consider what your ideal day looks like. What are you doing? Where are you? Who are you with? Jot down up to 10 components of a day that spark joy.
What kinds of days do you love most? What are you doing?
Consider what tasks or activities excite you and get you in your flow state where you lose track of time.
What kinds of days do you find challenging? What are you doing?
Consider what tasks or activities you find draining or are outside of your zone of genius.
How would it look if you could clear your calendar and redesign your week?
For example - No Meeting Mondays, more breaks, dedicated time to create, work/life boundaries, building in time for movement or other self-care routines.
What’s getting in the way of your ideal schedule?
Consider how both time and energy play a part in this.
What tiny shift/s can you make today to get you 1 step closer to your ideal lifestyle?
Get it on the calendar and make it happen!
In 3 words, how do you want your lifestyle to FEEL?
Bonus follow-up exercise: Create a lifestyle vision board with 5-10 images representing this feeling.