Personal Growth
Intentions & Goals

Creating Happiness

Mindfully create more happiness in your life.

After years of feeling trapped in perfectionism and doubt, I realized that nothing changes if nothing changes. This led me to make a huge change: choosing my happiness. Happiness is not hidden in a conditional future or big achievement. It is cultivated through making mindful choices in your daily life. These prompts will help you remember that you are the creator of your happiness. ♡

1. What does happiness mean to me at this stage of my life?

2. What hobbies, practices, and people contribute most to my happiness?

3. In what ways am I getting in the way of my own happiness?

4. What beliefs (limiting vs empowering) do I hold about happiness?

5. What does the happiest version of me look like?

Be specific: how do they think and behave, what are their personality traits, what goals and dreams do they have, how do they navigate less happy emotions, how to they bounce back from challenges, etc.

6. What does the happiest version of my life look like?

Again, specificity is key: What does your happiest self do on a daily basis? What are their routines? Who do they surround themselves with? How do they prioritize their happiness? How do they feel when they wake up in the morning vs. when they go to sleep each day?

7. How can I create more happiness in my life moving forward?

Tip: reflect on the things you want to do more vs less of and how you can actually follow through on these intentions.

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Irene Martinho

Positive Psychologist & Coach
Irene is a Positive Psychologist (BSc, MSc), Success Coach, and the Founder of Waves of Thoughts.

Her mission is to support ambitious dreamers to go from being stuck into happy life creators (by befriending their minds, connecting with their vision, and taking mindful action).

Journaling has always been her #1 tool for documenting memories, exploring thoughts, and even achieving big goals.

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