1. Describe a recent situation where you felt guilt as a parent. Detail what happened and the emotions that you felt.
2. What specifically triggered your guilt? Was it your reaction, your child's reaction, or both?
3. Reflect on your actions and reactions. Did they match the situation? Did you act hastily or out of frustration?
4. Mistakes are part of the human experience. In fact, it is where we often do our best learning. (And, they are watching you and how you handle your mistakes). If you believe you were wrong, that's normal. How can you model an apology to your child?
5. Consider what you could have done differently. Visualize how you'd like to handle a similar situation in the future. Consider other options. Usually, those other options can be utilized when we take a “pause” between the stimuli and our reaction. When we do so, it is no longer a reaction; it is a response. (Responses have thought. Reactions don’t).
6. Write a positive statement encouraging yourself about your capabilities as a parent. In it, consider emphasizing your continual growth and abiding love for your child. To move forward, it's essential to release and let go. Then, you will have all of your energy in the present to try again. Write down a commitment to yourself about releasing guilt and embracing the lessons learned. Acknowledge that we do better when we know better! (And remember the “pause” button!:)