
March 6, 2024
Product Updates

We release updates every few weeks! Every update includes bug fixes and design improvements, and beyond that we try and include a few new features to improve your experience.

New updates are always released a few weeks ahead to Beta. Join our Beta Group!

If you have any feedback or suggestions please let us know (email, we always love hearing your input!

⚡️ Release 5.1

July 15, 2024

  • Fresh design for editor
  • Updated modal designs including the calendar
  • Moved photos in entry to pull directly from gallery (vs having a pop up with camera option)
  • Fixed bugs with Depth pop up and with date change not saving
  • Ability to scroll anywhere on page for shared entry

⚡️ Release 5.0.0

June 20, 2024

  • Depth AI Powered Journaling. This release is phase 1 of our 3-Phase vision around integrating AI.
  • You can now pull up Depth as a journaling companion within your entry.
  • Depth can provide questions to go deeper, or you can ask your own question from it.

⚡️ Release 4.6.2

May 10, 2024

  • Added 'Look Back' notifications
  • Improved Error Logging

⚡️ Release 4.5

April 4, 2024

  • Added haptic feedback throughout
  • Updated Onboarding (new UI for Welcome Checklist, Paywall)
  • Fixed scroll on entries with multiple images
  • Added New Category Icons
  • More bug fixes (Redeem Streak Promo, Updated Pin Code Delay, Notification Settings, Legacy user settings issue)
  • Design updates, premium guides, and a bunch of tiny bug fixes.

⚡️ Release 4.4

March 27, 2024

  • Backend improvement for link management cross platform (🤓 Migrating from Firebase Links to Branch)
  • Improvements to Affiliate Landing Page Checkout Flow

⚡️ Release 4.3.4

March 11, 2024

  • Improvements to photos in editor: tap to see fullscreen and zoom, streamlined look for landscape and portrait photos
  • Fixed issue with copy/paste in editor
  • Added haptic feedback to main buttons
  • Improved tap-targets, accessibility, and other UI improvements

⚡️ Release 4.3.3

Feb 27, 2024

  • Significant improvements to Sync (speed and consistency)
  • Ability to close Welcome Checklist and improved cross-platform tracking
  • And squashed a handful of other tiny bugs and inconveniences
  • Improved performance and removed Pin Lock delay

⚡️ Release 4.3.2

Feb 7, 2024

  • Fixed iOS issue that caused a crash on previous iOS versions (older than iOS17)
  • Fixed issue with scholarship redemption on mobile

⚡️ Release 4.3.1

Feb 3, 2024

  • Voice Dictation on iOS (finally!) fixed!
  • Ability to Copy multiple lines on mobile fixed
  • Fixed scroll on multi-image entries
  • Improvements to onboarding
  • Fixed 'manage subscription' button on web

⚡️ Release 4.3.0

Jan 16, 2024

Your top requested feature is here! Add a photo to an entry as part of the Free plan! And it gets better...Premium users can now add multiple photos to each entry!

Important: If an entry is created with multiple images with this new release (v4.3) that entry will not appear on older versions of the app (v4.2)

⚡️ Releases 4.2.1, 4.2.2, 4.2.3

December 28, 2023

We released a series of hotfix-updates to 4.2. This includes:

  • Fixed a few small issues with the annual and monthly review.
  • Increased default window size for desktop.
  • Fixed an issue with search when a user has many tags.
  • Updates to onboarding flow and checklist.
  • Updated experience for claiming scholarship.

⚡️ Release 4.2

October 25, 2023

4.2 updates our main editor package and introduces SuperEditor on Android. We've also added support for web links in entries.

This release also fixes a handful of bugs including: Issue with custom templates, private link sharing, monthly review, and pin code reset.

⚡️ Release 4.1

October 2, 2023

A big under-the-hood release implementing null-safety across the app. This update is critical to the app foundation, stability and performance. Read more about our Flutter transition to null safety and the performance enhancements in this technical post.

⚡️ Release 4.0.3

September 5, 2023

This release is our biggest update yet! 

Experience a completely fresh approach to guided journaling with dozens of guides from personal growth and wellness experts now just a tap away on the new Guides page!

PLUS...A fresh new brand. App icon, type, colors  — things are looking hot hot hot!

And just wait till you see the new dark mode...

Here is the full list:

  • New Guides Experience: With Journaling practices, Author pages, and easy Share links
  • New main navigation. Semi Opacity, with Blur behind, and removed labels.
  • New Logo, Primary Color, New Typography, and New designs for Dark Mode
  • Improved Onboarding sequence for new users. (Removes questionnaire, introduces premium, celebrates first entry, and improved notification flow).
  • Added Guide library to our website making it easy to search all guides, or browse by category or tag.

⚡️ Release 3.13

June 29, 2023

  • Introducing the ‘Inspiration’ sheet: In the editor tap the ‘Lightbulb’ to open the new Inspiration sheet and swipe through and select your prompt.
  • Undo prompts with a single click: Easily remove any prompt with the click of a button.
  • Simplified Today Page: Enjoy a cleaner interface (removed text links, and option dots) and improved flow after tapping the prompt of the day.
  • Updated Editor UI: Lots of updates for a calmer and cleaner experience. (For the curious: removed the status bar, moved the close button, reduced placeholder text, and introduced a floating button for inspiration.)
  • Speed: Faster and calmer animation when opening the editor.
  • Behind-the-scenes: Added a HeadlessCMS to make managing content (ie. future Guides) in app easier!
  • Bug fixes: Fixed the date selector for monthly reviews.

⚡️ Release 3.12

June 12, 2023

  • Updated Editor Text, Font, and Highlight color when creating new entries.
  • Collapsed keyboard by default when opening existing entries.
  • Improved logic in the new Streak Challenge feature.
  • Trial users can now seamlessly upgrade to Premium and enjoy uninterrupted access.
  • Added SuperEditor to Android

⚡️ Release 3.11

May 24, 2023

  • Introduces a new 5-Day Streak Challenge — journal for 5 days in a row and unlocks an extended trial of Premium!
  • Improved Streak Logic
  • Updated Keyboard in Dark Mode
  • Improved In-App Support Pages
  • Design tweaks to sign in page
  • Testing Premium Upgrade Page
  • Testing Simplified Onboarding

⚡️ Release 3.10

May 1, 2023

  • Updated Support Pages
  • Behind the scenes performance updates (Updates to Flutter and SuperEditor on iOS)

⚡️ Release 3.9

April 24, 2023

  • Share Links for Entries: You can now create and share any entry via a private link from the entry options! Simply tap the three dots on an entry and enable the share link!
  • Create and Share Prompts: Want to share a prompt with a client or friend - you can now create and share your own prompts via
  • Improved Text-Formatting UX: Highlight text you want to format and the text-formatting bar will pop up from the bottom toolbar saving a tap for faster formatting! You can also format using keyboard shortcuts like ⌘B for bold. (Premium Only)
  • Fixed a bug preventing some users from upgrading on mobile.
  • Improved the flow for how we capture feedback and ratings within the app.

⚡️ Release 3.8

April 14, 2023

  • Improved Notifications: We completely rebuilt how we handle notifications. We did this to squash a few bugs but also allow us to deliver more targeted notifications in the future like Look Back notifications!
  • Lifetime Plans on Mobile: It is now possible to upgrade or downgrade directly within the app on mobile, web, and desktop!

⚡️ Depth — AI-Powered Journal Prompts

Today, we’re thrilled to announce the launch of Depth.

Depth offers personalized journal prompts powered by AI to help you understand and navigate how you feel. Share one sentence about how you feel and Depth’s AI-powered prompts will help you explore your experiences and emotions to gain self-awareness in a whole new way.

Learn more about Depth in our announcement.

⚡️ December 2022

  • Global Pin Lock
  • Blurred Private Entries
  • Prompt Sharing
  • Welcome Tips
  • Fine-tuned 'Look Back' for better rediscover

⚡️ November 2022

  • Launched our new Gratitude Journey in partnership with
  • Added a Lifetime Premium plan (thanks for the suggestion Satya!)
  • Ability to select and use a Quick Template directly from Guides Page
  • New logic for 'Look Back' for better rediscovery of your past entries
  • You can now view all entries by Tag when clicking from the Insights page
  • Smoothed out the forgot password flow
  • Updated to Flutter 3.3 for faster load times throughout, esp. for photos!

⚡️ V3

August 2022

This milestone release is our biggest yet!

We have redesigned the app experience to make your writing and reflection practice even more meaningful and delightful. At the same time, we've included included your top requested features!

More details about V3 here.

V2 versus V3
  • Check out the new Today page and look back on past entries
  • Scroll through a spacious and delightful new Journal view
  • You can now lock / blur entries with our 'Private Entry' feature
  • Use Quick Templates to start reflecting quickly, and create and customize your own
  • Search instantly by tag and keyword with our improved search
  • Entry Types are now Entry Tags to streamline organization
  • The new Oasis theme is both delightful and calming, and our new Night theme is darker than ever… in a good way :-D
  • And lots of small bug fixes (autocorrect, and other keyboard bugs are now fixed as well!)

⚡️ Updates — March 2022

✅  iOS Share Photos
You can now share photos from your iOS photo album into the app.

✅  Updated Save Button
In the text editor, the save button will no longer block text as you are typing!

✅  Updated Tag Selector
Now selected tags will always jump to the top of the list.

✅  Improve Image Performance on Web
Made some updates so images load faster on web.

✅  Added Billing Portal for Web
For those who subscribed to Premium via Web, you can now manage your plan through the web app.

✅  Bug Fixes for Annual Review
Fixed a few pesky bugs that were causing issues for some users with the annual review.Fixed a few pesky bugs that were causing issues for some users with the annual review.

✅  Updated Menu Sidebar
No matter your screen size the sidebar is now fully responsive and scrollable if needed.

⚡️ Updates — December 2021

🚀 v2.0 is live!
Our mobile, web, and desktop apps are now all officially powered by a single code base! This means new features can be rolled out faster and across all platforms at the same time!

✅  Complete your Annual Review on any device!
Annual Reviews have now been added to the app, and can be accessed on mobile, web, and desktop!

⚡️ Updates — November 2021

🚀   MacOS Desktop App (Beta)
You can now journal distraction free on your desktop computer with our native MacOS app! Download it today in the Mac app store.

🚀   New Web App (Beta)
We have released a new beta version of our web app built using Flutter, the same codebase that powers our mobile apps, and new mac app. For a more consistent and improved user experience! Experience the new web app at:

✅   New Icons to Indicate Entry Sync Status
You can now see more clearly in your journal which entries are un-synced when offline.

⚡️ Updates — September 2021

✅   Biometric and Pin Code Lock
You can now lock your journal with Face ID / Fingerprint / or a PIN code for additional privacy and security.

✅   Dark Mode is now Free
We have added dark mode as a free feature available to everyone!

✅   New Editor for Focused Writing
We updated the editor to provide a more minimalist design for a delightful and distraction-free writing experience.

✅   New Date Picker
We've updated the date and time picker to make it easier to find the exact date, and to allow entries that took place over a year ago. Also works well on wider screens in preparation for our new web and mac apps :-)

✅  Entry Titles
Give your entry a title by using the ‘Header’ text formatting option (Premium feature) on the first line. The formatted entry title is now also visible in your journal view!

✅  Simplified Pop-up for Entry Types and Tags
Organizing your entries is even easier, with a new and streamlined pop up that combines Entry Types and Tags.

⚡️ Updates — July 2021

✅   New Guides! And now they're free!
We have added Wellness, Compassion, Simplicity, and Adventure Guides! All guides are now included on the Free plan for the remainder of the year!

✅   Journal View Updates
Now you can edit a tag directly from the journal view!

✅   New On-boarding and Tips
Scroll to the bottom of the settings page to take it for a test drive!

✅   Exports on Mobile
Export your data directly from the mobile app!

✅   Performance Updates with Flutter 2.0
Our mobile app (and soon our web and desktop apps as well!) are built on Flutter. In our v1.8 release we updated the app to Flutter 2.0 and benefited from the new performance updates.

🎉 We passed 100,000+ entries on and 100+ reviews in the app store!

⚡️ Updates — February 2021

✅   'Reflect with Holstee' Guides Added
We have added two new guides to the app. The Intention Guide helps you identify your top goals, and helps you break them down into actionable steps. Our Kinship Guide helps you reflect on the meaningful relationships in your life.

✅   New Notifications Interface
We updated the interface for selecting which days notifications are sent. The new interface makes it much more clear which days are selected and which are not. Shout out to user "Dave" for the great suggestion!

✅   Updated Illustrations
We are making updates throughout the app tightening up design elements. So far we have updated the guides illustrations and the new entry icon on mobile.

✅   Backend & Performance Updates
While it's the least visible, this was the biggest lift this past month. These updates change how Monthly Reviews are saved and stored and gives us more flexibility with future guides and syncing.

👋 We are excited to welcome Tim as the newest and first(!) member of our support team.
Tim is an active user with lots of technical support experience and a big heart. We hope you get the delight of getting with chatting with him.

🎉 Together, we have collectively created 75,000+ entries on!

⚡️ Updates — January 2021

✅   Insights now available on Mobile
We have added insights to the mobile app, so you can see some stats and analytics related to your writing from within the app. This is still in development so if you have feedback please let us know!

✅   Intention and Goal Setting Guide added to Mobile
Over the coming months we will be adding more Holstee-inspired guides to the app.

✅   Reflect and Reset is now available on Mobile
Our 14-day Reflect & Reset guided journaling series is now available on mobile!

✅   Annual Review Viewable on Mobile
You can now view your completed Annual Review on the mobile app.

✅   Customize the Mobile App Appearance
Change the appearance of the mobile app by selecting a new primary color in the app settings!

✅   Inspiration and Prompts on Mobile
The mobile app now shows a quote or question prompt on the home screen to inspire your writing. Simply click the button to pre-fill your new entry with the prompt!

✅   Fun Confetti!
We added some confetti to the app. Complete a guide to experience it!

🎉 Our 10,000th user signed for this month!

⚡️ Updates — November 2020

✅  Monthly Guided Reviews
You can now complete your monthly review in the iOS and Android native apps!

✅  Entry Tag Support
You can now tag your entries with one of six Wellness tags (Mind, Body Soul, Work, Play, Love) — using these tags will resurface the post in your Monthly Review. Premium users can create Custom tags.

✅  Semantic Search Keywords on Mobile
One of our favorite updates!  In the mobile app, try searching your journal for "monthly guides", "highlights" or "bookmarked" to filter your journal results. A list of supported keywords is available from the Search screen.

✅  Updated Mobile and Web UX for Journal and Entries
The text bar design for both mobile and web has been simplified with consistent icons. We also swapped "entry type" with color-coded dots on the journal view.

✅  Holstee Members Now Automatically Get Premium Access
Premium access to is free for users with a Holstee Membership.

✅  Ability to Import Entries
You can now import entries from another account and from If there are other platforms you would like to import from please let us know!

⚡️ Updates — September 2020

✅  Offline Support
You can now use our mobile apps offline and your entries will sync when you are back online!

✅  Speed improvements
Especially on mobile when adding photos!

⚡️ Updates — July 2020

✅  Mobile iOS and Android apps availabe for testing

Launched Reflect & Reset

Ability to Import (and merge accounts)

Fixed a bug where the editor jumped around on longer posts

Added a billing self-service portal for managing your premium account

Added rich-text formatting

Slowed quote scroll and add button to view quote longer

Fixed bugs in analytics and with the favicon for web and mobile

⚡️ Updates — May 2020

Fine-tuning the mobile experience and preparing for testing

A lot of backend updates for Mobile apps

Refactored the entry text box (also fixed scroll issue with text entry)

Fixed a bunch of new small bugs with the calendar, emails, and guides

⚡️ Updates — April 2020

✅ Updated the home view to your Journal

✅ Quick add entry without entry type selection and text input active on load

✅ Writing prompts available on all entry types

✅ Updated fonts and sizes for a nicer writing and reading experience

✅ Updated quotes to make them easier to read

✅ Added animations to web interface

✅ Added direct linking to specific journaling prompts (the first step towards guided journaling!)

✅ Updated version control system so you stay logged in while the app updates

✅ And fixed 30+ other small bugs...

⚡️ Updates — March 2020

✅ Added photo support

✅ Full account data export in CSV or JSON

Ability to permanently delete account and data

⚡️ Updates — January 2020

✅ Added table of contents for Monthly review

✅ Added customizable email reminder notifications

Updated Mobile Experience

Easily Print a PDF of Your Monthly or Annual Guide Summary

New Authentication Options (Sign In Without Google)

We release updates every few weeks! Every update includes bug fixes and design improvements, and beyond that we try and include a few new features to improve your experience.

New updates are always released a few weeks ahead to Beta. Join our Beta Group!

If you have any feedback or suggestions please let us know (email, we always love hearing your input!

⚡️ Release 5.1

July 15, 2024

  • Fresh design for editor
  • Updated modal designs including the calendar
  • Moved photos in entry to pull directly from gallery (vs having a pop up with camera option)
  • Fixed bugs with Depth pop up and with date change not saving
  • Ability to scroll anywhere on page for shared entry

⚡️ Release 5.0.0

June 20, 2024

  • Depth AI Powered Journaling. This release is phase 1 of our 3-Phase vision around integrating AI.
  • You can now pull up Depth as a journaling companion within your entry.
  • Depth can provide questions to go deeper, or you can ask your own question from it.

⚡️ Release 4.6.2

May 10, 2024

  • Added 'Look Back' notifications
  • Improved Error Logging

⚡️ Release 4.5

April 4, 2024

  • Added haptic feedback throughout
  • Updated Onboarding (new UI for Welcome Checklist, Paywall)
  • Fixed scroll on entries with multiple images
  • Added New Category Icons
  • More bug fixes (Redeem Streak Promo, Updated Pin Code Delay, Notification Settings, Legacy user settings issue)
  • Design updates, premium guides, and a bunch of tiny bug fixes.

⚡️ Release 4.4

March 27, 2024

  • Backend improvement for link management cross platform (🤓 Migrating from Firebase Links to Branch)
  • Improvements to Affiliate Landing Page Checkout Flow

⚡️ Release 4.3.4

March 11, 2024

  • Improvements to photos in editor: tap to see fullscreen and zoom, streamlined look for landscape and portrait photos
  • Fixed issue with copy/paste in editor
  • Added haptic feedback to main buttons
  • Improved tap-targets, accessibility, and other UI improvements

⚡️ Release 4.3.3

Feb 27, 2024

  • Significant improvements to Sync (speed and consistency)
  • Ability to close Welcome Checklist and improved cross-platform tracking
  • And squashed a handful of other tiny bugs and inconveniences
  • Improved performance and removed Pin Lock delay

⚡️ Release 4.3.2

Feb 7, 2024

  • Fixed iOS issue that caused a crash on previous iOS versions (older than iOS17)
  • Fixed issue with scholarship redemption on mobile

⚡️ Release 4.3.1

Feb 3, 2024

  • Voice Dictation on iOS (finally!) fixed!
  • Ability to Copy multiple lines on mobile fixed
  • Fixed scroll on multi-image entries
  • Improvements to onboarding
  • Fixed 'manage subscription' button on web

⚡️ Release 4.3.0

Jan 16, 2024

Your top requested feature is here! Add a photo to an entry as part of the Free plan! And it gets better...Premium users can now add multiple photos to each entry!

Important: If an entry is created with multiple images with this new release (v4.3) that entry will not appear on older versions of the app (v4.2)

⚡️ Releases 4.2.1, 4.2.2, 4.2.3

December 28, 2023

We released a series of hotfix-updates to 4.2. This includes:

  • Fixed a few small issues with the annual and monthly review.
  • Increased default window size for desktop.
  • Fixed an issue with search when a user has many tags.
  • Updates to onboarding flow and checklist.
  • Updated experience for claiming scholarship.

⚡️ Release 4.2

October 25, 2023

4.2 updates our main editor package and introduces SuperEditor on Android. We've also added support for web links in entries.

This release also fixes a handful of bugs including: Issue with custom templates, private link sharing, monthly review, and pin code reset.

⚡️ Release 4.1

October 2, 2023

A big under-the-hood release implementing null-safety across the app. This update is critical to the app foundation, stability and performance. Read more about our Flutter transition to null safety and the performance enhancements in this technical post.

⚡️ Release 4.0.3

September 5, 2023

This release is our biggest update yet! 

Experience a completely fresh approach to guided journaling with dozens of guides from personal growth and wellness experts now just a tap away on the new Guides page!

PLUS...A fresh new brand. App icon, type, colors  — things are looking hot hot hot!

And just wait till you see the new dark mode...

Here is the full list:

  • New Guides Experience: With Journaling practices, Author pages, and easy Share links
  • New main navigation. Semi Opacity, with Blur behind, and removed labels.
  • New Logo, Primary Color, New Typography, and New designs for Dark Mode
  • Improved Onboarding sequence for new users. (Removes questionnaire, introduces premium, celebrates first entry, and improved notification flow).
  • Added Guide library to our website making it easy to search all guides, or browse by category or tag.

⚡️ Release 3.13

June 29, 2023

  • Introducing the ‘Inspiration’ sheet: In the editor tap the ‘Lightbulb’ to open the new Inspiration sheet and swipe through and select your prompt.
  • Undo prompts with a single click: Easily remove any prompt with the click of a button.
  • Simplified Today Page: Enjoy a cleaner interface (removed text links, and option dots) and improved flow after tapping the prompt of the day.
  • Updated Editor UI: Lots of updates for a calmer and cleaner experience. (For the curious: removed the status bar, moved the close button, reduced placeholder text, and introduced a floating button for inspiration.)
  • Speed: Faster and calmer animation when opening the editor.
  • Behind-the-scenes: Added a HeadlessCMS to make managing content (ie. future Guides) in app easier!
  • Bug fixes: Fixed the date selector for monthly reviews.

⚡️ Release 3.12

June 12, 2023

  • Updated Editor Text, Font, and Highlight color when creating new entries.
  • Collapsed keyboard by default when opening existing entries.
  • Improved logic in the new Streak Challenge feature.
  • Trial users can now seamlessly upgrade to Premium and enjoy uninterrupted access.
  • Added SuperEditor to Android

⚡️ Release 3.11

May 24, 2023

  • Introduces a new 5-Day Streak Challenge — journal for 5 days in a row and unlocks an extended trial of Premium!
  • Improved Streak Logic
  • Updated Keyboard in Dark Mode
  • Improved In-App Support Pages
  • Design tweaks to sign in page
  • Testing Premium Upgrade Page
  • Testing Simplified Onboarding

⚡️ Release 3.10

May 1, 2023

  • Updated Support Pages
  • Behind the scenes performance updates (Updates to Flutter and SuperEditor on iOS)

⚡️ Release 3.9

April 24, 2023

  • Share Links for Entries: You can now create and share any entry via a private link from the entry options! Simply tap the three dots on an entry and enable the share link!
  • Create and Share Prompts: Want to share a prompt with a client or friend - you can now create and share your own prompts via
  • Improved Text-Formatting UX: Highlight text you want to format and the text-formatting bar will pop up from the bottom toolbar saving a tap for faster formatting! You can also format using keyboard shortcuts like ⌘B for bold. (Premium Only)
  • Fixed a bug preventing some users from upgrading on mobile.
  • Improved the flow for how we capture feedback and ratings within the app.

⚡️ Release 3.8

April 14, 2023

  • Improved Notifications: We completely rebuilt how we handle notifications. We did this to squash a few bugs but also allow us to deliver more targeted notifications in the future like Look Back notifications!
  • Lifetime Plans on Mobile: It is now possible to upgrade or downgrade directly within the app on mobile, web, and desktop!

⚡️ Depth — AI-Powered Journal Prompts

Today, we’re thrilled to announce the launch of Depth.

Depth offers personalized journal prompts powered by AI to help you understand and navigate how you feel. Share one sentence about how you feel and Depth’s AI-powered prompts will help you explore your experiences and emotions to gain self-awareness in a whole new way.

Learn more about Depth in our announcement.

⚡️ December 2022

  • Global Pin Lock
  • Blurred Private Entries
  • Prompt Sharing
  • Welcome Tips
  • Fine-tuned 'Look Back' for better rediscover

⚡️ November 2022

  • Launched our new Gratitude Journey in partnership with
  • Added a Lifetime Premium plan (thanks for the suggestion Satya!)
  • Ability to select and use a Quick Template directly from Guides Page
  • New logic for 'Look Back' for better rediscovery of your past entries
  • You can now view all entries by Tag when clicking from the Insights page
  • Smoothed out the forgot password flow
  • Updated to Flutter 3.3 for faster load times throughout, esp. for photos!

⚡️ V3

August 2022

This milestone release is our biggest yet!

We have redesigned the app experience to make your writing and reflection practice even more meaningful and delightful. At the same time, we've included included your top requested features!

More details about V3 here.

V2 versus V3
  • Check out the new Today page and look back on past entries
  • Scroll through a spacious and delightful new Journal view
  • You can now lock / blur entries with our 'Private Entry' feature
  • Use Quick Templates to start reflecting quickly, and create and customize your own
  • Search instantly by tag and keyword with our improved search
  • Entry Types are now Entry Tags to streamline organization
  • The new Oasis theme is both delightful and calming, and our new Night theme is darker than ever… in a good way :-D
  • And lots of small bug fixes (autocorrect, and other keyboard bugs are now fixed as well!)

⚡️ Updates — March 2022

✅  iOS Share Photos
You can now share photos from your iOS photo album into the app.

✅  Updated Save Button
In the text editor, the save button will no longer block text as you are typing!

✅  Updated Tag Selector
Now selected tags will always jump to the top of the list.

✅  Improve Image Performance on Web
Made some updates so images load faster on web.

✅  Added Billing Portal for Web
For those who subscribed to Premium via Web, you can now manage your plan through the web app.

✅  Bug Fixes for Annual Review
Fixed a few pesky bugs that were causing issues for some users with the annual review.Fixed a few pesky bugs that were causing issues for some users with the annual review.

✅  Updated Menu Sidebar
No matter your screen size the sidebar is now fully responsive and scrollable if needed.

⚡️ Updates — December 2021

🚀 v2.0 is live!
Our mobile, web, and desktop apps are now all officially powered by a single code base! This means new features can be rolled out faster and across all platforms at the same time!

✅  Complete your Annual Review on any device!
Annual Reviews have now been added to the app, and can be accessed on mobile, web, and desktop!

⚡️ Updates — November 2021

🚀   MacOS Desktop App (Beta)
You can now journal distraction free on your desktop computer with our native MacOS app! Download it today in the Mac app store.

🚀   New Web App (Beta)
We have released a new beta version of our web app built using Flutter, the same codebase that powers our mobile apps, and new mac app. For a more consistent and improved user experience! Experience the new web app at:

✅   New Icons to Indicate Entry Sync Status
You can now see more clearly in your journal which entries are un-synced when offline.

⚡️ Updates — September 2021

✅   Biometric and Pin Code Lock
You can now lock your journal with Face ID / Fingerprint / or a PIN code for additional privacy and security.

✅   Dark Mode is now Free
We have added dark mode as a free feature available to everyone!

✅   New Editor for Focused Writing
We updated the editor to provide a more minimalist design for a delightful and distraction-free writing experience.

✅   New Date Picker
We've updated the date and time picker to make it easier to find the exact date, and to allow entries that took place over a year ago. Also works well on wider screens in preparation for our new web and mac apps :-)

✅  Entry Titles
Give your entry a title by using the ‘Header’ text formatting option (Premium feature) on the first line. The formatted entry title is now also visible in your journal view!

✅  Simplified Pop-up for Entry Types and Tags
Organizing your entries is even easier, with a new and streamlined pop up that combines Entry Types and Tags.

⚡️ Updates — July 2021

✅   New Guides! And now they're free!
We have added Wellness, Compassion, Simplicity, and Adventure Guides! All guides are now included on the Free plan for the remainder of the year!

✅   Journal View Updates
Now you can edit a tag directly from the journal view!

✅   New On-boarding and Tips
Scroll to the bottom of the settings page to take it for a test drive!

✅   Exports on Mobile
Export your data directly from the mobile app!

✅   Performance Updates with Flutter 2.0
Our mobile app (and soon our web and desktop apps as well!) are built on Flutter. In our v1.8 release we updated the app to Flutter 2.0 and benefited from the new performance updates.

🎉 We passed 100,000+ entries on and 100+ reviews in the app store!

⚡️ Updates — February 2021

✅   'Reflect with Holstee' Guides Added
We have added two new guides to the app. The Intention Guide helps you identify your top goals, and helps you break them down into actionable steps. Our Kinship Guide helps you reflect on the meaningful relationships in your life.

✅   New Notifications Interface
We updated the interface for selecting which days notifications are sent. The new interface makes it much more clear which days are selected and which are not. Shout out to user "Dave" for the great suggestion!

✅   Updated Illustrations
We are making updates throughout the app tightening up design elements. So far we have updated the guides illustrations and the new entry icon on mobile.

✅   Backend & Performance Updates
While it's the least visible, this was the biggest lift this past month. These updates change how Monthly Reviews are saved and stored and gives us more flexibility with future guides and syncing.

👋 We are excited to welcome Tim as the newest and first(!) member of our support team.
Tim is an active user with lots of technical support experience and a big heart. We hope you get the delight of getting with chatting with him.

🎉 Together, we have collectively created 75,000+ entries on!

⚡️ Updates — January 2021

✅   Insights now available on Mobile
We have added insights to the mobile app, so you can see some stats and analytics related to your writing from within the app. This is still in development so if you have feedback please let us know!

✅   Intention and Goal Setting Guide added to Mobile
Over the coming months we will be adding more Holstee-inspired guides to the app.

✅   Reflect and Reset is now available on Mobile
Our 14-day Reflect & Reset guided journaling series is now available on mobile!

✅   Annual Review Viewable on Mobile
You can now view your completed Annual Review on the mobile app.

✅   Customize the Mobile App Appearance
Change the appearance of the mobile app by selecting a new primary color in the app settings!

✅   Inspiration and Prompts on Mobile
The mobile app now shows a quote or question prompt on the home screen to inspire your writing. Simply click the button to pre-fill your new entry with the prompt!

✅   Fun Confetti!
We added some confetti to the app. Complete a guide to experience it!

🎉 Our 10,000th user signed for this month!

⚡️ Updates — November 2020

✅  Monthly Guided Reviews
You can now complete your monthly review in the iOS and Android native apps!

✅  Entry Tag Support
You can now tag your entries with one of six Wellness tags (Mind, Body Soul, Work, Play, Love) — using these tags will resurface the post in your Monthly Review. Premium users can create Custom tags.

✅  Semantic Search Keywords on Mobile
One of our favorite updates!  In the mobile app, try searching your journal for "monthly guides", "highlights" or "bookmarked" to filter your journal results. A list of supported keywords is available from the Search screen.

✅  Updated Mobile and Web UX for Journal and Entries
The text bar design for both mobile and web has been simplified with consistent icons. We also swapped "entry type" with color-coded dots on the journal view.

✅  Holstee Members Now Automatically Get Premium Access
Premium access to is free for users with a Holstee Membership.

✅  Ability to Import Entries
You can now import entries from another account and from If there are other platforms you would like to import from please let us know!

⚡️ Updates — September 2020

✅  Offline Support
You can now use our mobile apps offline and your entries will sync when you are back online!

✅  Speed improvements
Especially on mobile when adding photos!

⚡️ Updates — July 2020

✅  Mobile iOS and Android apps availabe for testing

Launched Reflect & Reset

Ability to Import (and merge accounts)

Fixed a bug where the editor jumped around on longer posts

Added a billing self-service portal for managing your premium account

Added rich-text formatting

Slowed quote scroll and add button to view quote longer

Fixed bugs in analytics and with the favicon for web and mobile

⚡️ Updates — May 2020

Fine-tuning the mobile experience and preparing for testing

A lot of backend updates for Mobile apps

Refactored the entry text box (also fixed scroll issue with text entry)

Fixed a bunch of new small bugs with the calendar, emails, and guides

⚡️ Updates — April 2020

✅ Updated the home view to your Journal

✅ Quick add entry without entry type selection and text input active on load

✅ Writing prompts available on all entry types

✅ Updated fonts and sizes for a nicer writing and reading experience

✅ Updated quotes to make them easier to read

✅ Added animations to web interface

✅ Added direct linking to specific journaling prompts (the first step towards guided journaling!)

✅ Updated version control system so you stay logged in while the app updates

✅ And fixed 30+ other small bugs...

⚡️ Updates — March 2020

✅ Added photo support

✅ Full account data export in CSV or JSON

Ability to permanently delete account and data

⚡️ Updates — January 2020

✅ Added table of contents for Monthly review

✅ Added customizable email reminder notifications

Updated Mobile Experience

Easily Print a PDF of Your Monthly or Annual Guide Summary

New Authentication Options (Sign In Without Google)

Get clarity and peace of mind, wherever you are.

Download to start your journey. (It’s free!)